Eat Healthy and Raise Money for CBHS with FarmToClaraBarton


·  How do I join? To join our fundraiser, simply create an account on Farm To People, add whatever you need to your basket, and enter code FARMTOCLARABARTON

·  Will I get a discount when I use the code? New Farm To People customers will get a $5 discount when they use our school’s code — and for every 10 new customers that join using our code, Farm To People will add a $250 bonus to our school’s fundraising check. 

·  Already a Farm To People customer? Returning customers do not get a discount but can still join the fundraiser by emailing with the subject line “I’d like to join Clara Barton High School's fundraiser”

·  Do I need to enter the code every time I shop? Nope! Once you've used the code on your first order during the fundraising time period, you're all set. Farm To People will automatically give back 5% on all subsequent orders until the end of the period.

·  Do I have to subscribe? No! You don’t have to subscribe to get deliveries from Farm To People. You can always shop any of the items à la carte, no subscription required.

·  Who can join the fundraiser? Anybody who wants to support the fundraiser can join — parents, teachers, friends, and neighbors. Just spread the word and don't forget to share our school’s code!



Happy eating!